Llar Rural

Country houses and town houses

Put the property up for sale in a few minutes.

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Services: valuations, mass surveys, aerial photography, bioconstruction...

Discover our services

Accompanying buying and selling processes

Recovery of closed and disused housing

Comprehensive advice on sustainability

Networking with sustainable housing services

Ethical commitment and with the Social and Solidarity Economy

Can not find what you are looking for?
Make us a request!

Through this form you can ask us for the features you would like your ideal property to have, and as soon as we find it we will contact you.

If you can't find what you're looking for, ask us and we'll find you!

Busques un projecte de reforma, una casa en ruines o per entrar a viure? Si és masia, a quina distància màxima del poble estaries disposat a viure? És per habitatge col·lectiu? Necessites demanar hipoteca, o vendre una altra propietat, o disposes de recursos propis? Escriu a sota tot el que creguis important, ens ajudarà molt a filtrar. Gràcies!
Aquest camp només és per validació i no s’ha de modificar.