Hi there, my name is Ibai Corbera, and I am the promoter of the Llar Rural project. It is a pleasure to accompany you, whether in the sale, in the search, in the advice, or just in the reading of this text.
It was in 2018 when Llar Rural began to take shape. I lived in a farmhouse, and I spent hours and hours working the farm, walking the forest, and also dedicating as much time as possible to participating in the life of the village, getting to know the people better, learning and building a network.
Part of my time was dedicated, whenever I could, to exploring uninhabited farmhouses and learning about their stories through the people of the area, and imagining how to live there by adapting them to current needs and lifestyles.
So, I gradually incorporated some hobbies, such as the study of urban planning regulations, the research of construction techniques with more natural materials, the sustainable management of forests or the observation of the water cycle as it passes through a farm. He invested as much time as possible in solving these challenges of rural housing, continuously contacting administrations and professionals to continue learning.
And so, almost unintentionally, I made contacts. And contacts, good contacts, are very important.
After a period of continuous study, the hobby became a professional project. The professionalization arrived in 2022, with the obtaining of the necessary permits for the development of the activity. Llar Rural was already official, with logo, website and the first orders. The office arrived shortly after. Orders on the rise and happy customers. That works.
Llar Rural finds its space within the real estate sector by incorporating a human perspective, observing what those who want to sell are looking for and what those who want to buy are asking for, also paying attention to the circumstances that affect housing and life in the rural world, understanding the rules of the "market", and offering the technical capacities and tools necessary to accompany the process with quality and transparency.
In addition, the network includes other professionals to offer services related to housing in terms of sustainability: architecture, renovations, water and landscape management, insurance, etc., betting on a strong ethical commitment inspired by Social and Solidarity Economy criteria.
Now, I can tell you that Llar Rural is supported by years of experience in farmhouse management from the urban, legal and regulatory side, the accompaniment of rehabilitation and reconstruction projects, and the daily management of life in the countryside. Welcome.
It is seen as a dynamic agent of the territoryand from the management of housing, with two main lines of action:
On the one hand, it accompanies rural housing purchase and sale operations, from the acquisition of the property to the closing of the operation, working together with other ethical providers of housing-related services.
On the other hand, it proposes a task of revitalizing rural heritage through the reactivation of closed, disused and dilapidated housing, carrying out a proactive investigation of the ownership of the estates and proposing formulas to put them into circulation, under the most suitable contractual form.
The Principles
Commit to the Social and Solidarity Economy criteria, and ensure compliance with periodic reviews. The criteria proposed by Pam a Pam are: Proximity, Fair Marketing, Transparency, Social Integration, Intercooperation, Participation in Networks, Ethical Finance, Ecological Criteria and Sustainability, Waste Management, Energy Efficiency, Salary Range, Personal and Professional Development, Gender Equity, Internal Democracy and Free Software.
Associate the development of the activity with the needs to be covered, prioritzant donar un servei proper i de qualitat, no orientat a maximitzar beneficis.
What does it mean to speculate? We understand it as the practice of "carrying out commercial operations in the hope of making a profit by taking advantage of the variation in prices and market conditions". That is, buy cheap and sell expensive without much effort. Applied to the real estate field, it can be seen in examples such as urban reclassification, investment in emerging areas, or an unmeasured increase in prices in areas of high demand.
In this sense, from Llar Rural we carry out exhaustive valuations of a property with different methods, and we make a proposal adjusted to the conditions of the area, reserving the right not to accept commissions that exceed these valuations.
To ensure that all the people involved in the buying and selling process are well informed and clear about any decision to be made. Also be clear and precise when drafting written agreements, and use accessible and inclusive language. Likewise, be available to solve any doubts that may arise.
Apply this criterion in all areas involved in the operation of Llar Rural (banking, insurance, telephony, internet, rehabilitation, forest management, etc.), and proximity as far as possible.
In areas such as renovations/reconstruction, insurance, utilities, internet, etc. so that they can make a more informed choice.
Participate in initiatives, groups and movements with aligned intentions, and work to create long-term alliances.